Written by Annie torres, Missionary to Peru
For many of us, ministry is a bittersweet journey—overflowing with the incredible joy of witnessing lives transformed by Jesus, yet also marked by the deep sorrow of seeing countless others choose to abandon their walk with Him. But today, I want to share a brief testimony to encourage you: keep persisting and investing in the people in your ministry. Don’t grow weary, and don’t give up. The seeds you plant, even in moments of discouragement, can bear fruit in ways you never imagined.
It has always been at the heart of our ministry to raise up local leaders for the church. As missionaries, it is a rare and precious privilege to witness the full fruition of God’s plan in someone’s life. For a few, God grants the joy of not only seeing them come to faith in Jesus but also walking alongside them as they grow, flourish, and ultimately embrace the calling He has placed on their lives.
This beautiful moment came to life for us on the last Sunday of 2024. We had the immense honor of ordaining a new shepherd for God’s flock. Juan Jusmiell—affectionately known as “Josh”—is what I like to call “homegrown”. Discipled, invested in, and raised up from within our congregation, he has now stepped into the role of pastor with our ministry.
What a joy it is to see his faithful response to God’s call! Our congregation united in celebrating this milestone as one of their own humbly answered, “Here I am, Lord; send me.”
What a treasure God has given the ministry in blessing the church with a young man who not only has a deep passion to serve Him but also possesses the language, culture, and heart to meet his community fully and present the truth of God’s Word as one of their own.
Perhaps to some, this may seem like a small victory, but to me, it’s a precious gift—one that God, in His kindness, allowed me to experience. Our prayers and sacrifices are never in vain. Keep up the good fight, knowing that God sees your heart and understands your hurts. And sometimes, by His grace, we get the incredible privilege of seeing it all come together—a glimpse of His perfect plan unfolding before our eyes.
For more information and to support Annie and her family, click here.