Out of curiosity or discouragement, eagerness or hope, you may have pondered these questions:
How do we grow in relationship with Christ? How do we make progress in such holy work? What are markers of true and dedicated lives to Jesus?
We have found 2 Peter 1:2-15 to be a tested source of life and hope in the face of these real life, faith-walking questions. Here, we’re given a picture of the entire new life lived seeking God’s next personal revelation of Himself. Truths are proclaimed in these verses which call us to deepen our trust in God’s power, doing so in a way that as we grow in our knowledge of Him, we walk right into the kind of intimacy we crave, that our soul longs for. We receive life from a loving, gracious God who delights in the inquisitive desires of His child. And He generously, without any partiality, reveals His character and His values.
This is all simply a reflection of God’s goodness. His all sufficient power has given us everything we need to live this life in a way honoring the name of our Lord through the continuing knowledge of Him.
His glory – revelations of Himself – are given for our benefit to partake in His holiness and to escape corruption. This is deeply interwoven into our redemption, the forgiveness of our sins (Colossians 1:14). This is the promise that we may truly be able to deny our sinful selves and live richly in the presence of Jesus (1 Corinthians 10:13). We can dwell at His feet, hunger for righteousness, and He fulfills His promise to satisfy (Matthew 5:6).
In the progression of spiritual maturity, we act with great diligence to become Christ-like because of the teaching, grace, and redemption we have been given. We make every effort to supplement our saving faith in Jesus with good moral acts.
Our good moral acts are then purified in discernment by the knowledge of God’s person in Scripture and His revelation through the Spirit. We become increasingly awakened and sober-minded.
Our intimate knowing of the Lord creates in us a spirit of self-control to walk in the awareness daily gained. Our renewed mind and spirit lends itself to greater obedience, free of burden.
Self-control will face trials and tribulations, so we must make every effort to supplement the strength God provides for our endurance so that we may not grow weary in the goodness He has predestined for our life (Colossians 1:9-12).
This steadfastness creates godliness, proven faithfulness and renewal into His divine nature over time.
Godliness leads to an outward display of kindness and service towards others in the most basic of demonstrations and circumstances.
This gift of this kindness will produce the sight we need for love, and we know the greatest of these things is love.
This holy work is worth it. We have been purified by Christ and equipped to continue so that we may not become ineffective in bringing the Kingdom of God to earth.