A Jesus Mission

Flag of NepalCoding according to the official construction in "Constitution of the Kingdom of Nepal, Article 5, Shedule 1", adopted in November 1990

Brad & Autumn Watt

Missionaries | Nepal

I (Brad) informed Autumn that I had no interest in international missions immediately prior to our wedding day. She married me anyway. We started our life together in the U.S. I purchased a dog, and began walking him. God spoke to me on these walks, sending Autumn and me to Thailand in 2009 on a short-term missions trip. This experience shattered my heart, pulling me violently from the “matrix” I’d been wallowing in my whole life. We then sold-off/gave-away everything and moved to Nepal in 2013 to serve full-time. We’ve been here ever since.

For the past 11.5 years, God has grown our ministry significantly. There are now many facets. Examples are as follows:

  • We fundraise for an anti-human trafficking organization working throughout Nepal (3 Angels Nepal).
  • We serve the refugee community of Nepal through a program called EDC, empowering those currently living in Nepal and helping them get to a new country they can call home.
  • We raise money for a scholarship fund (called Isaiah 58) that helps South Asians pay for post-secondary studies abroad.
  • We partner with four Nepali missionary men who have separate and distinct ministries here in Nepal.
  • We run a respite out of our home (called Jacob’s Well) and allow Christians and non-Christians to stay with us for varying lengths of time without any cost associated with their stay.
  • We lead teams from the U.S. and show them what God is doing here.
  • We provide guidance counseling to South Asian youth.
  • We are helping two Nepali families to break the generational poverty that has haunted their families for generations.

There is more, but these are the main pieces.

I would like to mention that Autumn’s older sister, Shelley, is now living with us; and will continue to do so for the remainder of her life. We also have a Cocker Spaniel named “Milky.” I would also like to mention that we allow God to morph our ministry over time, as He sees fit. We’ve learned to be highly adaptable over the past decade+, allowing us to pivot in a new direction quickly if God wills it.