Kyle & Sara Tanuma
Missionaries | Modesto, California
Kyle and Sara were married in the beginning of 2021 and now are launching Kingdom Coffee, a missional coffee shop in Modesto, CA. Their son, Levi, was born June 2nd, 2023
From 2016 through 2020, Kyle served as a music missionary alongside Cadence Please, The New Divide, and Final Greetings. His time alongside these bands took him all across North America and Europe leading worship songs, getting involved with various service projects, and putting on evangelistic rock concerts to bring support to local churches and to share the hope of the Gospel with the lost. Kyle stepped out of being a full-time music missionary and settled down in Modesto, CA at the beginning of 2020 to get involved with home church planting in the midst of the COVID pandemic.
In 2019, Sara moved to Oakdale, CA to take the first steps in her missionary journey as an intern at the AJM HQ.
Together, they’ve served in a variety of roles, including leading home church plants and caring for Afghan refugee populations in the Central Valley. The couple also took part in helping lead A Jesus Mission’s Ukraine Response Team in 2022 across the span of seven months, administering the delivery of life-saving supplies to areas five to 10 miles away from the frontlines of the war and various forms of refugee care in Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
Today, Kyle and Sara are taking up work of starting a volunteer-run specialty coffee shop called Kingdom Coffee where 100% of the profits will further the Kingdom of God around the world and the hope of the Gospel will be shared locally. Your support makes a huge difference in meeting some of the basic needs the Tanuma family has, and by doing so, greatly impacts the ministries they are then able to be involved in!