A Jesus Mission

Guido & Aleigh Schenk

In Preparation | Utah

Donation Goal Progress

We are the Schenk family! Guido, Aleigh and our two sweet girls with another one the way! We met back in 2016 doing surfing ministry in Hawaii and spent the beginning of our marriage traveling, doing missions work all over the world. We both have experience working in human trafficking prevention and rehabilitation, leading surf outreaches and camps, leading medical teams, doing prison and drug rehabilitation ministry, serving in after-school programs, doing Vacation Bible School outreaches in the most at-risk areas and seeing God move in tangible ways upon people’s lives that is truly eternal. This sums up everything that we enjoy doing as our family grows even now! There is nothing more fulfilling and rewarding than serving, adding to the Kingdom of Heaven, and we love doing it together!
We participate in various different ministries, with human trafficking prevention, rescue and rehabilitation in Brazil, as well as globally-based online ministries that are designed to reach people around the world. The first aspect of our ministry, human trafficking prevention, rescue and rehabilitation in Brazil, is done in a variety of different ways and we are amazed to see God move in a way that is far greater than anything we could do ourselves! Human trafficking prevention, rescue and rehabilitation, especially with children, is something that we are deeply passionate about and we look forward to doing this with AJM in a variety of different ways. Some of which include hosting medical clinics, leading surf camps, initiating after-school programs, doing outreaches in the slums, using midwifery training to host prenatal/postpartum/newborn/family care courses, providing rescue operations, building agricultural centers where individuals can participate in education, recreation and job training, distributing prevention courses to equip churches, schools, professional work forces and individuals to detect human trafficking, and building children’s homes and rehabilitation centers where individuals that were once victims of human trafficking can heal, grow, restore and thrive in all that God has intended for them!

Our online ministries that we are launching will provide 365-day video and email devotionals with free download options so that everyone can integrate those into their email lists and businesses or organizations. This means we can do this from anywhere in the world and it is designed to reach audiences of multiple different languages and backgrounds. Additionally, we are launching a website with a free resource hub and directory for the most optimal resources and (digital or physical) tools made by the body of Christ and for the body of Christ. With these resources at play, Guido is also working on creating a few clothing brands that integrate these devotionals, resources and tools as the leading force. One of the clothing brands is a designer pocket t-shirt company that has an ethical and sustainable approach in production where the designs on pockets and package inserts can lead people to Jesus. This particular brand is designed around surfers and skaters so that the audience closest to Guido’s heart can be reached through the material, as well as skate and surf clothing and events. The other clothing brands will also have this strategy for spreading the gospel integrated as well, geared toward other audiences such as dads and moms for example. You can get a sneak peak into one of Guido’s clothing ministries here; Pockefy® (https://www.pockefy.com/). All profits from these ministry businesses will go towards further sharing the Gospel with creative ideas as well as our non-profit, LUZ Ministries (https://luzministries.org/). The heart behind everything we do is to help people find the true Jesus and to equip them thrive in the purpose they were created for in this life.