A Jesus Mission

Noah Harrold

Missionary | Kosovo

Growing up in the church I was constantly surrounded by professing christians and those who genuinely cared for me and sought to build me up. I have experienced much change in the last several years as God has turned my desires from those of self-centeredness and pride to a longing to give up my life for others.
I will be serving in Pristine Kosovo, working at Newborn Brew. Being in Kosovo, however, is much more than just working at a coffee shop;  it’s a continual gospel conversation with many young college students who are searching for meaning in life.
November 2019 was the first time I participated in any missions work, which happened to be Kosovo. Since then I have had the privilege to go back and help with the building remodel and see it in operation. In the last year I have been able to help build with some people in California, and also participate with A Jesus Mission in delivering supplies to Ukraine. I’m exited to work alongside the Kosovo team, and see God work among the students.