Jiross Lakey
Creative Director | Portland, Oregon

“Having left my job as a manager at one of Seattle’s tea stores and my leadership role with Calvary Fellowship’s high school ministry, I have taken numerous overseas mission trips. Every trip has been a growing and life altering experience, but then I get home and go right back to work until the next summer.In the summer of 2017, I had the opportunity as a high school leader to travel England, Austria, Italy and Scotland for a month long street evangelism trip. At the time, I was still working at a tea store and had just gotten word that the store was going out of business. Hearing this news confirmed to me that the Lord was directing me to missions. He had been preparing me for seven years and has confirmed to me over and over again that missions is where He wants me to be. His timing is perfect and I am beyond excited to be used by Him and to see what He does.”
Jiross served in Ensenada, Mexico from November of 2017 to July of 2019. She now lives in Portland, Oregon working full time as the Creative Director of A Jesus Mission as well as serving on the Administration Team.