A Jesus Mission

Jinja Children’s Home

An orphanage in Jinja, Uganda that provides a home, education, and discipleship

serving orphans in need

The Jinja Children’s Home provides a loving home for orphans in Uganda. A Jesus Mission partners with Joseph Mumbya to help provide basic needs for him and the children. These needs include food, clothing, shelter, and education.

There are currently 50 children who are receiving care at this home and countless projects that are in need of being done to ensure that this facility is licensed by the government there. Along with practical needs Joseph also spends his time sharing the love of Jesus and demonstrating what it means to trust the Lord with every need.

Meet Joseph Mumbya

Born in Uganda and raised in an orphanage himself, Joseph Mumbya has a huge heart for the children of his region. He started a children’s home, where he currently cares for 50 children ranging from two to seventeen years of age.

Joseph Mumbya
Joseph Mumbya Jinja Children's Home Director