Joel Resch
Missionary | Nairobi, Kenya

Testimony: My name is Joel Resch. I’ve known Jesus all my life, but until the time I was 25 I had not fully surrendered my life to God’s Will and leading. Jesus woke me up and brought me to true surrender and He began to completely transform my entire life. God decided to use incredibly painful experiences i walked through to draw me close to Him and intimately teach me who He is. He has healed my heart and my life as I share my story with anyone who will listen and hear the great mercies of God through Jesus Christ. During my time walking with Him and pursuing Him, He has blessed me with a Godly wife named Mary, and we have 1 son named Mike.
Mission: The vision is to see individual lives transformed into the likeness of Christ Jesus, by obeying the great commission to create disciples who will also adopt the lifestyle of disciple making and multiplication for God’s Kingdom (Matt 28:19-20, and 2 Tim 2:2). The foundation Jesus laid of the apostles became the entirety of the Christian faith today.
Past missions experience and ongoing ministry: My history of missions service has been several short term missions, followed up by working in Kenya, Africa since April 2022, which is still ongoing. My focus is on making disciples by imitating Jesus’ method: taking faithful and teachable men along with me to listen and observe from my personal life and ministry work. My weekly activities include:
- Lead, teach and support men’s fellowships through Masters Men Africa
- Host weekly bible study in my home for young adults
- Meet 1-on-1 with young men to bond, pray and study God’s Word together, while teaching them how to study using POIA:
- P-Pray, asking Holy Spirit to teach us Truth
- O-Observe, all that the Word is saying
- I-Interpret, the true meaning and purpose
- A-Apply, how to put into practice and grow
- Work with a Christian children’s therapy center to visit the mothers of children with CP and down syndrome, pray for them, and support them.
Additionally, I also evangelize as I travel to different regions of Kenya to support other ministries for vulnerable women and children. I frequently use public transport to have opportunities to share Christ with those I meet.