A Jesus Mission

House Church Support Network


a network of home churches and gatherings that are sharing the Gospel around the world

About the house church support network

“Imagine you find yourself stranded on a desert island with nothing but a copy of the Bible. You have no experience with Christianity whatsoever, and all you know about the Church will come from your reading of the Bible. How would you imagine a church to function? Seriously. Close your eyes for two minutes and try to picture Church as you would know it. Now think about your current church experience. Is it even close? Can you live with that?”


The church is not the institution, the building, the liturgy, or the ministries.    The church is the people of God: those who have and are recognizing God’s conviction, whose response to this is to agree with God about what He is showing us through confession, and who live their lives in repentance – proceeding in their new understanding in the right direction.

It is good and pleasing to God when His children gather to seek and glorify Him, to build up and encourage one another, no matter where or when that happens or what it looks like.

We love the church in all its many manifestations, and there is value in the larger, corporate gathering. Home fellowships are not new, though. In fact, they’ve been a part of life in Christ from the beginning. 

Most often, the home church movement connects with people who aren’t comfortable in a traditional church, people who want to grow closer to God through a more interactive/relational setting rather than a performance-driven setting.

Our support network promotes fundamentally transformative truths from the guidance of Scripture so that we will live missional lives modeling the example of Christ. 

By eschewing the cultural misconception of Church as something we go to, rather than something we are, our support network challenges our house churches to no longer diminish the transformative work of the Cross and the regeneration of our souls to a 90 minute gathering. 

While the times we gather are sweet, they are pointless apart from living out the mission of Christ. This is why our support network is centered on discipling under Jesus as He equips the found, finds the lost, and unites the mission as the Kingdom of heaven draws near.

Meet the House Church Team
Michael & Patricia Hayward
Michael & Patricia Hayward House Church Support Network Leaders
Garrett & Alissa Larsen
Garrett & Alissa Larsen House Church Leaders
Steven Payton
Steven Payton House Church Leader