Amber Alcoser
Home Church Leader | Colorado

Amber came to faith at a young age in a charismatic environment. Her family blessed her with an intense education in Scriptures and the skills needed to prepare saints for troubling times. As a young adult, she steered away from the ways of the Lord and in 1999 joined the Air Force. There is a saying in the military: “there is no atheist in the foxhole”. It was in the ‘foxhole’ that Amber came to realize that the fences of the Lord were for her protection and were life giving. She heard the Lord’s tender voice, saw His mighty hand upon her life, and answered His call. This led to her complete surrender and rededication to Him. In 2006, on a California air base she encountered the Navigators ministry dedicated to serve military families and submitted to being discipled and healed from past traumas. Feeling the freedom in Christ, Amber’s heart longed to share her newfound joy with other women needing healing and saw the very real need for authentic discipleship among God’s people.
In 2012, she experienced a deliverance from many tormenting spirits that had stolen her joy over the years. This fueled her passion for wanting to see others set free. She soon began working with multiple ministries to train her to live out the Great Commission. As Christ grew in her, so did a passion for the entirety of the Scriptures. One of her deepest loves is studying the Word from a Hebraic perspective and digging for root words in Hebrew and Greek with the purpose of understanding her beloved more. She has a love for discipling those hungry for the Word of God and His ways and has been leading bible studies for many years. Recently, Amber has begun to host studies in her home to provide for a more intimate and relational study of the Word. As a result of the at-home studies, one of her heart’s desire has been fulfilled: seeing women find the joy and freedom in Christ, walking in their Christ-like identities.
In 2018 she traveled to Kenya to teach at a house church conference. It was here that God planted a new desire in Amber to reestablish churches in the home just as our early church leaders had intended. Since then, she has been passionately developing a local house church in Colorado and pursing an understanding of operating with prophetic gifting for the perfecting of the saints. In 2020, with the transition from classrooms to homes, discipling has taken on a new intensity. Amber is now encouraging men and women to grow in their faith, their giftings, and in their biblical roles of leadership, not only in their home churches but in the greater Kingdom of God.
In 2022 she became a Training Facilitator with the Trauma Healing Institute and has been helping people through their healing journey. She also equips others to help facilitate healing in small groups. The model she uses incorporates biblical and mental health principles referring to it as the ministry of presence. The Church has the answer to pain, loss, suffering and loneliness and she is passionate about raising up others to be the hands and feet of Christ.